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Does the import of non-woven fabrics require a license?

Publisher:admin Source: Date:2022/4/2

Does the import of non-woven fabrics require a license? Importing non-woven fabrics from abroad requires an import license. Not only that, non-woven fabrics are also subject to pre-packing inspection and quarantine. Only non-woven fabrics whose quality, hygiene and environmental protection meet the basic import regulations for textiles can be imported. Some unqualified non-woven products are not allowed to be imported. , I hope that friends should know more about relevant laws and regulations before importing non-woven products.

Does the import of non-woven fabrics require a license? Importing non-woven fabrics not only requires domestic import enterprises to provide licenses, but also invoices, contracts, packing lists, bills of lading, etc.; domestic consignees must provide non-woven fabric import related Information: Import and export rights (if not available, Baihang supply chain can provide use), agency customs declaration and inspection entrustment agreement, etc.